Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Helping biomedical researchers easily discover relevant educational modules at Data and Analytics for Research Training Program under Arcus Education

6 min read






Nov 2023 -
Jan 2024

Team Project
Client Project


UX Research
UX Design

Healthcare Education
Data Science

The Problem

Biomedical researchers using Arcus Education struggle to navigate its 50+ modules, hindering their ability to identify relevant modules and construct a coherent pathway for learning new data science skills. This challenge not only affects researchers' individual progress but also jeopardizes their job performance.

Thus, biomedical researchers need a streamlined and user-friendly module discovery tool to effectively navigate Arcus Education's extensive data science curriculum and enhance their programming skills for research deliverables.

The Solution

The Approach




User Interviews

User Persona
User Journey
UX Requirements

Sketches + Low Fidelity Design
Iterations after Usability Testing

User Interviews

We conducted in-depth interviews with 8 biomedical researchers. Following this, we transcribed and coded the interviews, subsequently clustering the key points to derive insights and pain points:

User Persona

User journey

UX Requirements

Iterations after Usability Testing

Usability testing with 8 biomedical researchers and feedback from our client helped us progressively iterate on the designs and finally make 2 major changes:

What can we do next?

1. Initial Preferences Quiz: Provide a quiz to users during onboarding to understand their background and suggest modules or pathways best suited to their needs.

2. Collaborate on Building Pathways: Allow users to collaborate when building pathways such which will motivate them to complete the pathway and keep them accountable as well.

What did I learn?

1. Pivot when needed: After having conducted about half the interviews, we realized the card sorting activity was not yielding relevant or helpful data. We pivoted to focus solely on user interviews and gathered valuable insights by asking participants about their priorities and preferences for filters.

2. Thorough Documentation for Developers: Collaborating on the Figma file underscored the importance of detailed notes and comments for effective feedback and changes. Clear communication was crucial not only among designers but also in organizing all documents for developers. We established a design system aligned with existing brand guidelines, enabling developers to easily access assets and understand required changes.